Tag Archives: creative projects

Recreating Ancient Codes and Ciphers in Class

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Professor Isabel Ruffell and I have been teaching an Honours and Postgraduate course called Ancient Technology in Context ever since I arrived at Glasgow, back in the autumn of 2016. Last semester, we taught the fifth (!) iteration of it, and for the final session before the Christmas break, I thought I would try something… Continue reading

New Library of Alexandria (volume 3)

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“Dracchae” (Alice Mantese, MSc Classics & Ancient History, 2024) With their background in Theatre making and a love for the Classics, Alice decided to focus their project on the queer themes of Euripides’ Bacchae by readapting the play for a Drag-inspired performance, with the aim of making the story more accessible to a modern audience… Continue reading

New Library of Alexandria (volume 2)

Published on: Author: amorrison Leave a comment

“Gorgoneion head” (Caitlyn Eldridge, MSc Ancient Cultures, 2024) Interested in recreating ancient art pieces into different mediums, Caitlyn is a recreating a gorgoneion head painted onto a vase into a cross stitch, while also explaining what and why the gorgoneion head was used for. “Siren Odyssey” (Felix Lee, MRes Classics, 2024) Intrigued by the disturbing… Continue reading

New Library of Alexandria

Published on: Author: amorrison Leave a comment

The New Library of Alexandria is a creative colloquium founded by and created for postgraduate Classics students at the University of Glasgow. The group aims to create and engage in personal creative projects anchored in the ancient world. This allows its members to interact with history in new ways and expand their skill sets. Like… Continue reading